Logan Heftel is a singer-songwriter, editor and producer currently based in San Francisco, CA. Logan released his first album in 2005 and started working in podcasts in 2010. Logan's songs have been heard on Sirius XM, KCSN, WBAI, and Dan Bern's Radio Bernstein App. He's currently the Production Manager and a Senior Editor at the Audio 99 Podcast Network.
Logan wrote and performed with Taylor Negron for seven years. Directed by David Schweizer, the musical-storytelling duo performed at The Barrow Street Theatre, Comedy Central Stage's Sit n' Spin, UnCabaret, The Comedy Store and James Dean’s haunted apartment.
Logan produced the posthumous George Carlin LP "I Kinda Like it When a Lotta People Die.” In 2019, Logan recorded The Smothers Brothers return to the stage for Sirius XM. Tommy Smothers told Logan to play more guitar.